Life coaching provides guidance, personal empowerment and improvement to all aspects of your life. If you’re looking for a little self-help, the following powerful affirmations are ways to keep your life positive and happy.

Powerful Affirmations to Keep Your Life Positively Happy!

What Are Affirmations?

Affirmations are phrases that you repeat to yourself throughout the day to feel happier and more positive. To maximize the full effect of affirmations you should utilize a minimum of three and focus on them during times when you feel down.

When saying your affirmations, make sure to connect and feel what you’re saying to allow the positive emotions to sink in. You can either speak them out loud or in your mind but create the formal sentence.

The 10 Affirmations We All Need To Know

Now that you have a better grasp on affirmations, here’s the list of suggested sentences to get you started on your own personal list. Review the list and create sentences you can personally connect with. To better connect and feel the statement think of a time when something like this occurred in your life and you persevered with positive results. Say the sentence and feel your life connection.

  1. My success is based on my skills and choices.
  2. There will always be plenty to go around in my life.
  3. I can solve any problem that comes my way.
  4. People around me love me and are there for me.
  5. Every moment and every setback of my life can be successfully managed.
  6. There is an infinite abundance of goodness waiting for me.
  7. The universe loves me and wants me to succeed.
  8. Hope springs eternal in my heart even in my darkest moments.
  9. I breathe in peace, God’s greatness and love and breathe out the junk.
  10. I chose to grow through the pain and find opportunities to better myself in the moment.

If you actively practice this exercise every day for three weeks you should begin to see a shift in your attitude and thinking. To learn more about positive affirmations and their ability to change your life, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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