Are you celebrating Christmas, Winter Solstice, St. Nicholas Day, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day Hanukkah, or something else right now??? My guess is no matter what holiday you celebrate you can relate to being so busy this time of year you forget whether you are coming or going.

It seems like busy has become a new badge of honor. Technology allows us to accomplish tasks 24/7, not to mention staying connected to work and friends constantly, and we have become programmed for busy mode. All this doing takes away our ability to be present in the moment which in-turn impacts our happiness and limits our productivity.

As you embark on this season of busyness, no matter what holiday you celebrate, may you slow down and take some time to check-in with yourself. At Brain Basics we would like to share our daily December check-ins with suggestions to help you connect with self-care, and mental well-being.  We encourage you to share it with your friends and challenge each other to accomplish what you can. This is not another thing to add to your To Do list, this is about taking time to recalibrate and find some peace in your reason for the season.

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